Proud Weegie

By Shiv

C is for....

...and strangley enough 'C' was the grade I was awarded for this horrible subject !

No 2 is stressing about her final exam tomorrow.  I told her not to worry.  If she scrapes a pass, that's good enough for me (don't tell Mr S as he studied  Chemistry in 6th year!).

There is simply NO NEED to learn this subject ! Unless you want to avoid the April Fool trick of being sent for a 'Benzene Ring', or a 'Long Stand'.  Or indeed, if you want to cook up your own Crystal Meth (I wonder if the interest in this odious subject increased exponentially with the success of 'Breaking Bad'!!?).

This time tomorrow it  will all be over, no more Bunson Burners, smelly gases and peace will reign once more  in the Weegie household <sighs>.

Good Luck No 2.

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