Exceeds Expectations

For many days now, mum has been talking about going to the sourdough bakery with a wood-fired oven, situated on a farm out in the countryside and with a small café with splendid views over the farmland. Mum has a soft spot for the whole concept. We have been here once before, last year when I was a puppy. There are chickens (see the extra photo, titled Beware of the wolf!), so we also got two dozens of eggs and some super fresh green asparagus.

It was graduation day for our little dog dancing class today. We had so much fun! I got to show my secret trick, which was great. We worked on our paw target skills, meaning that I should put my paw somewhere mum wants me to, for instance on top of her foot so we can walk together. And we started on me walking backwards. Both things were difficult, but now we know how to work with them.

In the end, we got to put a short routine together with tricks we had learned, and perform it to everyone! I ran around our wastepaper basket from a distance and some other things. Mum says I did great. We got a goodie bag as a reward, and congratulated our teacher Malin and her Jack Russell Tobi who won a competition this weekend. We have had such a great time and learned so much!

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