at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant

Finally time for some parenting

Poor Briar, her very early life hasn't exactly been very her focused- she's either been being fed or asleep in a cot mostly whilst we've stressed about willow or entertained ivy. Realised she's now awake enough to be getting fed up and crying when she's bored. So Euan got out the black and White book and 'read' to her and she settled instantly and stared intently at the page. Just like ivy used too.

Brair and I went adventuring today. I made it through my brutal night of alarms to feed willow and express, so we went to get proper coffee from dobbies as a reward. Whilst there I got a phone call to say that unfortunately willow s blood gasses weren't good and she was back on breathing support (meaning no more breastfeeds)- they said I could stay if I wanted, but I thought briar and I would be best at home with ivy so packed up, got a Taxi and then  a bus back to ullapool. I was very proud of our backpacking independence.

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