at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


Briar nearly missed out on having a Granny about the house in her first few weeks of life- Granny did have 3 weeks off work to come up, but then what with all our misadventures in the past weeks it looked like they were going to miss each other. Thankfully, Granny (and her handknitted jumpers) made it back this week for newborn cuddling duty (particularlly useful in the middle of the night).

Ivy and Granny went to Gaelic toddlers this morning, Briar and I joined them right at the end so I could show Briar off and then we went to get Briar a doctors appointment about her back arching episodes. Had some time to kill, so Ivy suggested she might like to go throw stones in the water, which we did. Entertainment is cheap in a seaside town.

I let Ivy hold Briar properly today, whilst sitting on my knee. Ivy was thrilled. She really has taken well to being a big sister. 

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