at home with an Ivysaurus

By MoGrant


I realised the past two days Ivy's face hasn't featured in her blips- so today i thought i'd address this problem. It wasn't very easily actually- she's either busy looking somewhere else or shes's trying to grab the camera. Here she is looking slightly suprised- who knows what by.

A hard night last night- Ivy woke up at 1am with a scream, and seemed geniunly terrified of being left alone and put back in her cot. She was clawing at my top when I tried to put her down and was nearly hysterical. Decided very quickly that she could come sleep in our bed. She has been sleepign through the night in her cot recently, but when she's bigger and says 'I had a nightmare, can I sleep in your bed' we'll not say no, so why would we now. She spent most of the night trying to burrow into my armpit. Euan gave up and went to sleep downstairs leaving me to keep her calm.

We went to the postoffice in the afternoon to post of three sets of carrier suck-pads I'd made. I had Ivy on my back, and whilst I was addressing the envelopes the monkey pulled all the greeting cards off the display racks. Then we went to the allotment to water, and brought home two strawberries for Euan.

Euan went to martial arts tonight, so it was just Ivy and I for dinner and bedtime. Dinner took 45 minutes, and Ivy ate loads. It was homemade chicken fingers and sweet potato wedges. At one point Ivy had a piece of chicken in one hand, and a piece of potato in the other and was alternate biting them. She also has a new thing of leaning so far forward in her seat that she's almost folded in half to retrieve food she's dropped. She's using clapping for please to not only say when she wants to next piece of food/ spoon, but also to say when she wants something different. I gave her sweet potato in response to a clap and she kept clapping until I gave her chicken. At one point, she was laughing hysterically at me looking away and looking back. I used a toothbrush to brush her gums tonight (she usually gets them done with a finger with toothpaste on) in the bath. She seemed to like it- getting her used to it for when her teeth FINALLY come in.

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