Farewell San Francisco!

We're ready leave and are waiting for our driver to collect us and take us to the airport , so it's just a quick blip before we go.

This is the view from our room on the 14th floor - I took it this morning when the tops of the buildings were hidden by the fog, but it soon cleared and is now a beautiful day, so it was good to be able to re-take it with the blue sky. If you look closely, there's even a cable car just beyond the cross-roads which was good timing!

We went to a great restaurant for brunch this morning that was very old fashioned, it was like into the 1930's. I had Smoked Salmon Benedict and a Mimosa and Alan had Al's Special which was corned beef hash, scrambled eggs, hash browns and 9 little pancakes with maple syrup. It was all delicious and a great place. People were queuing for tables so it's obviously very popular.

We the went for a wander round the shops where I bought Scarlett a present from the Disney Store, and we went into the Apple Store to look at the Apple Watch. Not that I can have one yet, but it was perhaps as well as they don't have them in-store to sell yet, they're struggling to keep with the demand on-line.

Anyway the car is here so I'd better go, have a good weekend!

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