First picking of broadbeans

The first real crop from the allotment this year and they tasted just great. It's clear to see why you rarely find broadbeans in this form in the shops as when you've finished podding the blighters there are more volume of pods than you started with and a piddling pile of beans. But there was enough for four.

Chris and De'Shaun went to London for the day so I was able to have my usual Monday swim  Then I spent four hours working on the prison contract before going to the allotment to erect the runner bean canes. I must be the last one on the allotment to put up their bean poles but it has been so cold. Even today there was a heavy burst of rain and the temperature was only 11.5C which made for very cold fingers when tying  the canes together - and this is June! Dropped in a few seeds but was unable to trim the grass owing to it being wet.

C and D had a good day in London as sights happened as they walked along. Jet lag got the better of them though and they came back earlier than they thought. We have a day trip to France tomorrow - ha! On the day of an unusually intense depression with winds of up to 50mph we're going to cross the Channel - by ferry!

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