Lovely warm

This is the view from my front windows how lovely in June for gale force winds and rain like November.

I've had not a bad day today but like always doesn't go without a drama!

Work wise was a good day, mother wise a could do better day, house wife wise there's no hope any way so who cares, dust will wait till I'm 70 and retired so I don't mind it waiting.

My drama came with a teenage daughter who informed me she may have been bitten. A good mother I sent her off to school with a dose of Piriton, you'll be fine I told her. Coming back from school this evening and with exams looming all week, her arm a little swollen and rather red I thought I perhaps should ring the doctor! A little inconvenient you can imagine because my teenage son has football training. I wasn't unduly worried about her to be honest and went through the motions as you do. She got her appointment, I dropped her off and her grandad picked her up because I had to get to football training and logistically this wasn't working. We got by.

Bad mother came from the fact the poor child has an infection and needed antibiotics. They've drawn lines on her arm and if the red spreads outside those lines we must go back. How bad did I feel when she rang me at football training to tell me. But she's mature and managed herself she's taken two antibiotics and it looks better already.

So as I was getting over my bad mother feelings sat in the car being a good mother and waiting for football training to finish (1 hour I sit in the car for), the rain pelting down the wind blowing like it's gonna blow the car over, I listened to the radio, played a game on my phone. After 50 minutes I was cold so thought I'd turn the engine and get some heat! Well, car wouldn't start! Not only had I had the radio on for nearly an hour I'd left the lights on! A little swearing I thought I'd ring the break down but I couldn't see the number. Oh dear.

After a few minutes I turned the key again and a little life so I thought if I wait a little bit it may start again.

Thankfully that is what happened. I thought me and my teenage son were going to be locked in a car park all night in the wet rain and gale force wind.

Thankfully not. Soon we were home in the lovely warm.

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