Is it bedtime yet?

Ben left at 5. Lily appeared soon after. Ally appeared at 7.30. I gave in and got in the shower just before 9 ready for the arrival of Red's ClareClare's children!

A quick trip to Lidl to buy supplies, lunch and then we headed off to join the Brownies to go on a skills exchange at a local sheltered home for older folks.

It was a raging success!! The Brownies taught the pensioners how to use a DS, play on the Wii, how to send emails on a laptop and how to play solitaire on the iPad.

The pensioners taught the Brownies how to k it and crochet, how to write a 'proper' letter, how to make Christmas decorations from newspaper and how to play the keyboard.

The children are now all fed and watered. Red shall shortly be going to bed and the other 5 are watching a DVD while I hide upstairs!

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