A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Alba Albi

Early dog walk aways makes for a slightly virtuous start to the day. And good chance to talk to Carlos before he starts his day 2 hours ahead. Only one more sleep and he will be back to join in the early dog walk rota.

On the agenda for today is more garden
tidying, ordering leavers' hoodies for year 6ers, an appointment with an engineer to move TV bits and bobs around, some light work, including a call with my favourite associate and an eye test at the very cool looking new glasses shop on the high road. And possibly finishing my book which I have failed to do so far this week.

The title: Alba is dawn in Spanish which would have been a much less confusing name for people but where would be the fun in that?

Here's to a happy Friday,
Lesley x

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