Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Dining on the Patio

We enjoyed dining on our patio this evening and we're enjoying the long, long days here as summer is approaching. When Mr. Fun arrived home a little before 5:30, we sat outside just enjoying the view and discussing the day and all that has happened (more about that later).

Then we barbecued some burgers and continued enjoying life outdoors. When the day had just about vanished, we gathered the dinner dishes and all that we had brought outside and moved back indoors. It had been a lovely early evening.

First thing this morning we learned that our friend, Roy, had died. Back in January things were not going well for him. He had a check-up and the doctor ordered an MRI. Roy and his wife, Linda, had a long vacation planned that included a cruise to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary and their entire family would be meeting them in New Orleans to board the ship, so his doctor decided April would be okay for an MRI. So Linda & Roy left home the end of January to spend the next month casually traveling to New Orleans in their RV. They had no idea he had cancer in his lungs and brain.

As they drove their RV from here to New Orleans, Linda keep reporting to a group of us friends that Roy was not doing well. He didn't feel at all well while they were on the cruise. In a fairly rapid trip, Linda drove them back home after the cruise and went straight to the hospital. It was late April or maybe early May, when they were told that he had late stage cancer throughout his body. So late last night Roy entered the other side of life. We have no doubts that it's been a joyous day for Roy, but for those left behind, it's a sobering day of saying goodbye to a wonderful friend and human.

As soon as I heard the news this morning, I just tried to focus on the "entering in" part of this story. So we dialed in Barry McGuire's song "Enter In." The third verse captures the victory of "entering in." The music has helped me to not dwell on the reality of another friend gone. We've got lots of friends in Heaven. Some of them probably think that we didn't make it because they've been there so long without us.

On another subject, I did finish adding student scores today. Maybe tomorrow I'll give the stats of how many students earned "A"s or "B"s or "C"s or "D"s. Almost everyone passed and I am pleased. Friday evening is graduation. We're going to march into the stadium to "Pomp and Circumstance" and exit to "Dancing in the Streets" and find summer just beyond the stadium.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. Sixty-eight years ago today was D-Day.

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