Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Gift from a Blipper!

FedEx delivered a celebration in a box this afternoon.

I had just walked upstairs to grab my purse and head for the campus, when I strolled into the front office room to close the shades. I heard a UPS or FedEx truck in the neighborhood coming our way. So I just stood looking out the window, wishing the truck would stop and bring us something. He rolled past the driveway and stopped on the far side. I just figured he was stopping for an afternoon break. Then he stepped from the truck with a big box and walked toward our front door! I raced down the stairs and opened the door just after he knocked. The FedEx man handed me the box, smiled, and said, "Enjoy yourself!"

I think he's delivered some of these before. He seemed to thoroughly enjoy handing it to me.

We've never been gifted with "Shari's Berries" until today. So I waited for Mr. Fun to arrive home and together we tore open this gift. The outside of the box did not announce who it was from, but I had a hunch because it was addressed to "Rosie & Mr. Fun."

The box is a celebration all by itself! On the outside is printed, "INSTRUCTIONS: Close and lock door. Hide behind large piece of furniture. Quietly open box. Savor and enjoy!" The other side of the container announces, "Once opened, contents may disappear immediately."

After we opened the box and oohed & aaaahed for a while, Mr. Fun asked, "Should we eat a chocolate strawberry with chocolate frosting? or a chocolate strawberry with white frosting? or a white strawberry with chocolate frosting?"

I just giggled and said, "I don't care! Let's just eat one!" AND WE DID! These strawberries are delicious.

The gift card announced, "Belated Anniversary extended celebrations! Bob dog told Cowboy you would like these! Enjoy ;-)" and is signed by Clare, Big R & hooligans.

This gift just made our day (especially after yesterday's sad news).

Tookie and Big R -- you two are terrific.

Outside of Blipfoto it is almost impossible to explain the friendships that exist here. This is a unique community and with some of the nicest people we've never met, but hope to someday.

So the season of celebrating at Funville has just re-ignited. And tomorrow evening is graduation at the college, and that is a CELEBRATION in all capitals!

Good night from Southern California with an abundance of strawberries!
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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