From Whiteleaf to Waddesdon

Remember this:

well today's picture was taken from the top of the cross looking West. 
In the clump of trees on the horizon you can pick out Waddesdon Manor, one of the finest National Trust houses in the whole of the UK. See here for further info

C & N have gone to Chipping Norton to visit N's step brother who has a shop there called Mash. They make a day of it & as I wasn't seeing my mum today I went to see Daph who is a quite poorly again. She looked pretty bad today and it looks like we will need to move her nursing care again.

As I was leaving I decided on a diversion to Whiteleaf Cross. Plenty of space in the car park & I managed to walk to the cross & back ok. The wind was so strong at the top of the cross I thought it was going to blow me away. Beside the cross there is a Neolithic barrow and what looks like a windmill mound. Quite an interesting place with outstanding views as you can see here. In fact I could see Didcott Power Station quite clearly down to the south. By now the time was getting on & I was hungry so I stopped at Asda for some "shopping" before returning home.

I rang mum to check she was ok, which she was, & then woke Merlot up who was still asleep on the bed....

Lovely sunny day but a strong wind !

May the force be with you !


The extra picture shows WWI practice trenches which can be found near to the Cross.

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