Mont St Michel

A fantastic grand day out today at Mont St Michel. The place looked like something straight out of a fairytale and we told P it was Arendelle from frozen! Once on the island it was like stepping back into medieval time. Narrow cobbled streets, little shops, restaurants and LOTS of stairs. We soon realised taking the pushchair had been a daft idea but Mr J did brilliantly carrying it up all the steps. P walked all the way up to the abbey too even with her skinny little legs! It was really hot up the top and we all stopped for some drink and to apply our sun tan lotion. When we entered the abbey it was so cool and peaceful. There was a communion being held and the music was magical. To keep P interested we told her it was coronation scene from Frozen and that Elsa and Anna were somewhere in the crowd (we are such meanies!) There was such a lovely relaxing atmosphere though and we sat for a little while soaking it in. We then continued to climb up to the top of the Abby and felt like we were on top of the world! We could see for miles. We had a picnic at the top and the children had a run around whilst me and Mr J rested out weary legs. On the way back down we noticed a little post office so P and I nipped inside to send the postcards that she had written yesterday for her cousins.

I cooked a proper French meal of chicken provincial for tea. It went down a treat. Then some more fun on the bouncy castle after tea and then everyone was spark out by 8pm.

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