Golden Wonder.

Went to the gym this morning, and afterwards walked into town. I did some shopping ,and caught the bus home. I didn't want to disturb J, as he has started  wood preserving our outside garden fence.  He made a good start ,and has finished the outside today, but the inside will be even worse, as there  is a bigger area to cover. I made him a coffee when i got home ,and then went to make a phone call . I was standing in the bedroom, looking out into the garden ,when suddenly I saw a Goldfinch, well actually there were two. I grabbed the camera, and managed to get a few good shots. The reason why I am so excited, is because we have never seen anything on the feeder but sparrows, starlings, dunnocks, blackbirds and crows.  I do hope they will visit again. They have such beautiful coloured plumage. I have posted an extra photo as well.

Today would have been my Dad's 99th birthday. Never a day passes that we don't mention his name. What a great man he was. 

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