Marvellous mesembryanthemums

What a lovely sunny morning.........after a quick trip to Lidl for some fresh rolls, we had a coffee sat outside, hub read the paper, and I read some more of my digital field guide book ;-)

Whilst sat we decided which jobs needed tackling in the garden for our afternoon workout! So after lunch we got cracking!

Those rounded bushes I mentioned previously, really did need a good haircut, they filled 4 trugs. I planted up a shrub that's been waiting patiently for a good while. Hub dug up some potatoes to go with our tuna fillets and salad for dinner tonight.

When the sun was out it was quite warm, but as soon as it disappeared behind a cloud, the temperature dropped quite a bit, so it was really good gardening weather :-)

I refilled the bird feeders......when I picked up the big bag of seed, it poured out the bottom all over the floor........i guess we have a little mouse in the garage somewhere ;-) after taping up the bag, and leaving it off the floor, I cleared up all the seed, then went out to cut some herbs to take to my sis tomorrow, Oregano, marjoram, mint, bay leaves, fennel tops, thyme and rosemary!

Just as I finished the dark clouds that had been gathering deposited their contents, so that was the end of the gardening. I was surprised to see it was gone 5pm and that I had been out here for almost 4 doubt I'll know about it tomorrow :-)

Whilst the sun was out during the afternoon, our mesembryanthemums were sunbathing. When you look closely at them, their colours are just stunning.

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