
By MamaOfBoys

Monday itis

Harper still isn't very good and made worse by Andre going to work.

Dadda is the chosen one when harper is sick. He soothes Harper and with him away at work today Harper was miserable.

I called my gp to make him another appointment. He's just getting worse is struggling to drink now, I'm a bit frustrated that they didn't treat him at the after hours the other day. The nurse looked up marleys notes when we he had this so added the note to Harpers file so my gp can see what they treated him with.

This morning after taking Marley to school I bumped into my sister in law so went back with her for coffee. She made Harper a fluffy though he spilt most of it and burst into tears.

When Andre got home he tended to Harper, lots of cuddles and a warm shower. Hoping he'll get better soon. Poor baby.

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