
By MamaOfBoys

Doctors again

Harper is really unwell, i called my doctors yesterday afternoon and made an appointment today to see my gp. I'm absolutely not satisfied with after hours approach to let the virus take its course. Harper isn't drinking any more, hes sleeping a lot and has no energy, he just sits and sobs in pain.

My gp saw the notes from when mar had it and is treating him the same, she couldn't understand why they wouldn't have treated him anyway, they knew it would get worse. 

So she gave me a script for antiviral meds that are dissolved in water and using a syringe we put it in his mouth, if he swallows it great, if he doesn't its still topically treating the sores and ulcers in his mouth and throat. They also gave me panadol suppositories for him because he cant swallow. The nurse actually gave him one while there and by the time we got home he wanted to eat and drink. only a little bit of milk and some yoghurt but still that's huge given he hasn't eaten since Saturday.

We got a glimpse of our little boy back as he smiled today , he wanted to play but didn't have the energy. Still at least hes now in recovery mode i hope.

Andre took the day off, i barely slept last night with Harper, hes not feeding from me very well and so that's led to issues for me and im in a bit of pain. Andre came in (ive been sleeping in the lounge with Harper to not disturb the others)at 630am to see if we were ok and i burst into tears and asked him to help me today.

I really wish he could work from home, would solve so many issues when the kids are like this.

Anyways the sunrise this morning was beautiful as was sunset. 

Marley had his cognitive assessment this morning too, he did really well.

 i could see that they were looking for certain answers but he was giving others. He wasn't wrong but it shows them how he thinks and processes things, how he takes information in etc. 

For example they asked him what are plates and bowls? the answer they wanted was 'things you eat off' Marley said circles, they asked him what yellow and red were? the answer they wanted was colours, he said orange, they asked what is asleep and awake? i couldn't grasp what they wanted from him for this but he said eyes open , eyes shut.

I couldn't give him any help so i just had to sit in the corner and smile. His skill at remembering things visually was pretty great, they got him to look at 2 pictures and remember them then the next page pick those 2 pictures out of a group of 6, it got faster and then went to 3 pictures then to 4, he got most of them while i sat in the corner struggling to remember them.

 He also did sound effects for some of the pictures too like cat and dog, drippy thing(tap), rainbow he did sort of a happy sound as he waved his hand in the air.

Proud of him today hes been wonderful.

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