
By MamaOfBoys

His own space

I had a really bad night, Harper was up a lot. Andre was amazing this morning he got up for Harper and Kanye at 630 and let me sleep in which i can tell you is a rare occurrence, he even later brought me breakfast in bed.

Once up i took Harper and Kanye to get Mar, we didn't stay long the boys were getting antsy but mar had a great time and was an angel.

We came home and after a few hours Mar started crying, he got really upset for absolutely no reason at all. He missed his grandma and pop, he was crying for them in a barely understandable teary voice.

So my mother in law came to see him. We started to talk about how he really needs his own space but we're not in a position to move, or buy at the moment and our little flat has only been refurbished a few years back , its warm and dry and really cheap. I had an idea that we could move Kanye into our room (its only a 2 bedroom flat), our room is quite big and so Andre set to work moving beds and before we know it, Kanyes bed is in our room along with Harper's cot. There's sill room to walk around and have our drawers there.

It will actually be useful doing this as kanye often get sup in the night and i have to put him back to bed, this way i might get more sleep and he might sleep better.

And of course the best bit is Mar has his own space, where he can leave his toys without worrying about his brothers taking his stuff, and we don't have to put it away he can leave his Lego creations out. Hes been in there since we put it together.

While Andre cooked, i did the final clean and moving of bits and pieces.

I am so pleased we can do this for him. I hope it makes him feel more relaxed.

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