The rest of forever...

By DrMac


What a day!! Just brilliant! I'm blipping early cos I got a little window of minutes that I don't want to waste...

So, alarm was not a surprise as for some reason my body decided 4.30am was wake up time but I persuaded it to stay put until half five! Ran, ate, showered and drove to York...spent three hours in my little car having the Advanced Drivers Course and learnt absolutely loads. Nice guy called Clive, teaching this oldish dog new tricks! And at the end he gave me the highest mark for a non-ROSPA driver...I was like the kid in the class who got the special sticker!!

Then I munched some lunch and had my one and a half hours on the skid pan...way too much fun!! I picked it up pretty quickly and ended up hacking into corners at 4omph and throwing the car around them BUT under control!! I was so chuffed! We also did the ABS test which was ace, I never knew cars were so clever. At the end Nick gave me my certificate and I got three A grades and an A* for my steering input! This picture is of another lady having a go at the skid pan...she span the car every time...I didn't snigger too much, honest!!

So I drove home and now I'm quickly blipping before I go training. I should be walking the dogs but it is absolutely hoofing it down with rain and they don't want to go out. Well, except for Rags who appears oblivious to the rain...except he can't work out why his fur is all wet now?!

Sleep tight, home in 24 days! ;0)

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