The rest of forever...

By DrMac

A wrong turn...

I let myself have a lie in this morning...all the way from 10pm last night until 6.30am this morning. Honestly, it was blissful. The morning run was hard work...after the last two weeks of training evidently my body is ready for 'time out'...which it has, until 8.30am tomorrow morning. We opened the sunroom door to find that the fence had blown down and everything was underwater, I can't believe the downpours we must have had overnight.

I was a right grown up this morning, I put on proper clothes and not scruffies and then went to have my nails done! When I got back I sat down in the lounge and there was a big thud...this little birdie had flown into the window. I went outside to see if it was okay but it was clearly dying, so I took it in my hands a stroked it gently until it died. Poor wee thing. I'm going to bury it so that next door's cats don't get to it.

I am in prep for this evening, the first time in my entire life I am going out on a girls night out!! I hadn't realised but other than my own Hen night, which included my then 16 year old step daughter, my friend who doesnt drink or dance and my Mum (who was actually bloody good fun!) I have never been out on a girly evening. And I've never dressed up in 80s gear. So given that I am not an experienced socialiser, can't drink much, can't dance and don't wear make up...I'm a little apprehensive as to what might occur tonight! We are meeting at a hotel in Nottingham later this afternoon to get dressed and for my make up to be done and then...well, I'll blip the evening shenanegans tomorrow!

Now, where did I put my dancing shoes...

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