Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Pink and yellow..

..I should (I suppose?) be seeing a bee on heuchara.

What I am seeing however, is pink. And yellow.

It makes me think that I'm far (farrrr) too conservative concerning colour schemes from a fashion point of view. They look alright together don't they? (Harmonious? Almost?).

Pink though? - I wouldn't fly to the moon anywhere near it with a barge pole (?!). Not even your barge pole.
Yellow? - See above.

I suppose some (popular author?) might say there are fifty shades of both.

I consider myself to be a 'green and brown' person.
I'm certainly hard to spot in a forest in the Autumn.

I'm recovering from a migraine today.
I might not be making much sense.
(My tongue goes all dyslexic. So does my brain, apparently).

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