
After a relaxing day, we had pleasant evening walk along the river.  I've never walked on this side of the river at Henley before.  The Henley Regatta will take place in a few weeks and you can see the beginnings of the pavilions and grandstand being set up on the other side of the river.  

My cold was really bothering me last night and I didn't sleep very well - too much coughing and sneezing.  If I'd known how bad I was going to feel I wouldn't have gone camping, that's for sure!  I woke up at dawn and enjoyed the early morning.  We were visited by the neighbours, Mr and Mrs Duck (see extra photos), who did the rounds and appeared several times.  They were obviously attracted by the smell of toast - I'm very pleased with my camping toaster - very efficient! 

The campsite was almost empty last night - just 7 tents, but during the day we were invaded by many families coming to enjoy the weekend sunshine. (see extra photos for before and after the invasion!)   Although I preferred the tranquility, I also enjoyed seeing how much the children enjoyed camping and playing outside.

The extra photos also show another view of the 'Thames Willow' featured in my blip today.  I chatted with the owner who lives on the boat year-round but only moors here during the summer.  He also moves away during the Henley Regatta as mooring charges along this stretch skyrocket to £50/foot.  He said a boat as long as his would be charged about £3000! ($4500 US).  

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