feet well travelled

By feettravelled


Another bike ride to Isubilo today, this time I encountered the dusty red earth on my way there. Now I have a big round bump on my leg which I have no doubt will bruise nicely! With only my pride really damaged I carried on. I managed to complete the remaining kid's files today, which was a good start to my research.
Now I'm onto the underweight baby records to create profiles for each baby's progress. Should be fun!

Banana and I enjoyed Zambia football shirt hunting in town, trying to find the right ones for the Zambia-Ghana game on Saturday at the Stadium just down the road from us in Ndola (Google it, it's awesome, I have no doubt there will be blips coming soon!). We also went out for nshima again.....we just can't get enough of it.

While in Zambia, do as they do!

A cosy night in after realising I can skype my friends and family half way around the world!!! Isn't technology AMAZING!!!

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