feet well travelled

By feettravelled

that fridayy feeling....

is definately here!
it feels like it has been a challenging but great week, adjusting back to life here...this time with the agenda of my research.

some good challenges and some bad ones....but thats life hey!?
it allows me to put my trust in Him more than my own self.

God never calls us to do what we can; He calls us to do what He can! 'He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us' Ephesians 3:20.....amazing truth.

i had a productive and encouraging morning at Isubilo, showing my questions for indepth interviews to the people here who know me and are understanding what im trying to achieve. they were supportive and excited about my research which is sooooo much of an answer to prayer. they feel its needed and thats what i wanted my research to be. Thank You Jesus!

enjoyed the bike ride back home today....and this is the new Ndola stadium...where Zambia play Ghana TOMORRROWWWW!!!!

took the afternoon off to rest....since il be at Isubilo tomorrow morning with the kids. enjoyed some ifumbu (sweet potatoes) and then had a delightful and much needed 'alison afternoon nap'. i was woken to the sound of Banana's School Mission interns. their giggling and chatting is infectious! and over the course of eating, volleyball, movies, popcorn and games...we had a great time! what awesome ladies!

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