Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Little Steps

Amazing news today.

Received a message from one of my oldest childhood friends.  She is finally getting married to her girlfriend, not only was she inviting me to the wedding, but she asked me to be her Best Woman. 

I burst into tears at work!   I'm so happy for them, and humbled and delighted that she would ask me.  Can't wait.

I spent the evening thinking up ALL the fun times we had growing up, playing our trumpets for Prince Charles, Girl Guides, the village Choir, writing silly letters, sleeping in the garage, dancing to 'Baker Street' and Stevie Wonder's 'Ebony Eyes', cycling to the swimming baths, playing badminton over her hedge (there will be hundreds of shuttlecocks still stuck in there!!), carving our names on the trees in the woods behind her house.

At my 'ripe' old age in life - I truly value old friendships, they mean  the world to me.

Congratulations to V and U - can't WAIT to share your special day xxxxx

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