Upsurging Spirit 2015

Kaarina Kaikkonen, the "men-Jacket-artist" that I told you about few days earlier, had made another work of art: Upsurging Spirit. It is made out of skies and is found in Vuores, which is a new suburban area of Tampere...

You see, I woke up all too early (at 6.30 as my hubby's radio clock woke me up with some finn pop song). How hilarious and happy I was, you just can imagine, as this was the late morning that I had been dreaming: Not to have to wake anyone up, and to be able to sleep late... But as I suddently was awake so early, I decided to do something extraodrinary: 

To make my holiday funnier as normally, I have started a new hobby: A video channel! 

Of course I had to make some videos too, and needed a helping hand for it. So I "kidnapped" my son (well, I promised him a thaifood meal and he agreed) for help. In the end we drove throughout the city all the way to the far new Vuores-area to see the Kaarina Kaikkonen's Ski Spirit - and made some videos on the way there and back home. 

Maybe you have time to enjoy (?) my early and very humble journeys through Tampere summerish city... Have fun!


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