
By BikerJim

~Balletic Flight~

~*Entrechat Batterie Au Coucher Du Soleil~

I was out photographing this feral pigeons roosting on utility wires.
They must have numbered in the hundreds, all lined up on three wires.
I viewed the results and the images were static and not interesting.
Which makes me really glad that a truck driver blew his air horn.
Scared the holy moly out of these birds, not to mention my seizure.
But I recovered quickly from a lazy shoot, to one of frantic action.
Had to change focal length, f-stop and above all get a faster speed.
I did manage to do alright, guess this was a test of my capabilities.
Sorry I cursed the trucker under my breath for ruining my bird shoot.
I am now grateful that he choose this time and place to toot his horn.

Thanks for taking a look.

*Entrechat and Batterie are ballet terms
meaning something like a vertical jump or leap
with the beating or crossing the feet or calves
together during a leap or jump or flight.
But in this case, wings will replace feet.
And please feel free to correct my french,
I don't speak french, heck I barely speak english!


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