Moseying on down

This is our beautiful clematis Nelly Moser, which grows well under our arbour. It's flowers as you can see are large, saucer sized, pale pink with a stripe in the petals! The flowers tend to,last a couple of weeks, fading to almost white over the days.

It's been a hot one today...........we did some pre holiday shopping this morning as hub wanted to refresh his wardrobe a little ;-) We had lunch sat in the garden which was rather lovely, before doing some watering, tidying and weeding.......its endless at this time of year, but so worth it!

Apologies for the lack of comments at the moment, I'm struggling to catch up since my night shoot!! I'm typing this tonight (fri) for yesterday, trying to make sure it makes sense and that it does recount what I actually did yesterday :-/

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