Nile Houseboats

We found a new lunch spot in a line of houseboats on the Nile. It's always nice to discover something fresh on your last day as it makes you want to come back, a bit like hitting a sweet shot on the eighteenth fairway after an up-and-down round of golf.

My driver didn't show at the airport in the early hours of the morning and I was left to pick someone from the hordes competing for my business. Walking across the large dark carpark with a stranger towards potentially a broken-down jalopy and a circuitous route home is never to be desired! The car was semi-decent and I gave very clear instructions on the route I wanted to take and got to the landing outside the apartment in ok time before texting Dd to get her to come and open the door without waking her sleeping colleague by ringing the bell.

We introduced Yasheen and his younger brother to their new English teacher, Undercovercairo, and put her in funds to cover the first three months of classes. In addition to her fee, we have introduced an incentive policy whereby each boy will receive ten Egyptian pounds for attending the weekly one-hour class. Yasheen was wearing a shirt today, and I think he put it on especially knowing he was going to meet his new teacher. If so, it's a good sign!

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