One Mississippi, Two Mississippi...

Another hectic day with a race first thing (came 3rd out of 142 with a new PB - yippee) then onto the Men's Church Day learning about being responsible ... without meaning to ignore the teaching 7 of us then played American Football in the pouring rain...

A very enjoyable game this and if I had been American, if I could have avoided being hurt, this would have been the sport of choice. Not silly baseball or basketball. As you can see from this picture it's quite tactical, even if most of us didn't have a clue what was really going on but good old USA himself - nicknamed the 'Bear' in these parts - tutored us soundly. I scored 4 throwdowns (actually I think they're called Touchdowns) though I was rather disappointed that at half time Justin Timberlake didn't come out and sing like he does at the Superbolt (sorry Super Bowl).

I learnt strategies and terms like 'go long', 'go short', 'hand off', 'take the chump down' and 'don't ever question the Bear'....

Brilliant fun and an enjoyable day.


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