
By JimBob79

What an experience

5hrs of my life today.5hrs spent at Gordon Ramsey's Petrus Restaurant but with a twist.... we were on the 'special' table where you actually sit within the kitchen amongst the 10 chefs cooking the wonderful food. 8 courses we had... and I've never tasted food like it. The organisation, the level of detail, the preparation, the team work, the respect, the communication shown amongst these chefs was incredible to see. In 5hrs not a raised word was uttered only complete concentration. I ate food I can't even spell (even fois gras) and have a camera full of different photos. Bet the best part? The best part was left till the end. We were invited into the kitchen to prepare our own deserts (chocolate honeycomb fondu with a raspberry drizzle) I needed the head chefs help to clean my plate and make it presentable but what an experience...

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