Crossing the road

It was my birthday today (as this is a back blip, yesterday). I wanted to blip something more relevant to my birthday but this is what happened...

I was not thinking of celebrating my Birthday on a Tuesday because Tuesdays are quite a bad day for most people but, in the end, I decided to go for a couple of drinks with the folk at work. I had only taken a few random photos with my mobile phone this morning and then I took a couple more in the pub. The ones in the pub, which were more relevant, didn't come out very well because my mobile phone doesn't take good photos in dark places. So, when I got home, I grabbed a coconut and rasperry loaf I had (I didn't bake it), put a few candles on it and took a few photos. I thought that that would do but, when I went to post the photo, I realised that the time on the photo said 00:06. The time on my camera was wrong! I actually took the photo at around 11.30pm. Never mind... I've put it in the extra photos! :)

I'll have a proper celebration of my birthday with cake and everything on the 27th, which is a Saturday! :)

I was too tired and a bit tipsy when I finally got home last night, so this is why I'm posting my blip this morning. I'll try and catch up with you as soon as I can.

Thanks very much for all your comments, birthday wishes and stars! I hope you all had a good day! :)

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