Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Plan B

The meal last night was very good, though I say so myself. Mind you, all I needed to do was add a three ingredients to a delicious tagine sauce made by Mr Waitrose! Foolproof. After the meal we watched The Imitation Game - excellent even the second time round.

A day of cycling had been planned for today - happen en trappen. I was slightly worried about whether my nether regions would be able to cope with another day in the saddle, but we set off for the first coffee stop - all of five minutes away. And those said regions complained painfully! There was no way I could cycle far at all today, and so Plan B was put into action - happen en trappen without the trappen bit... Much more sensible really, as it would not have been pleasant cycling across the flat polders in the wind, even if I could have. I suspect this visitor story will be added to the lost visitor story around T's friends soon, hehehe...

We drove (in comfort) to a nice restaurant for lunch by the river. Much kinder to my bottom. I was very thankful. Otherwise I would have had to stand all the way home on the plane tomorrow, and I'm sure you're not allowed to ...

Then we went windmill hunting. There are not many in this region, but there is one in Laren, right in the middle of houses, so I took a few pics. Not exactly the windmill shots I would have liked, seeing all those splendid ones in the sunsets on blip (can't do links on my iPad).

We popped in to the Museum - actually more of an Art Gallery - a marvellous place, with a wonderful exhibition of HUGE photographs of local people.

Then... Oh look! There's the profitjes cafe again! I had to have another helping, this time with no slab of butter on top, and not covered in icing sugar - much nicer. And who should I see, but another old person enjoying a waffle! I couldn't resist taking her photo, and including her today. I could do a whole serious of old waffle-eaters and exhibit them in the museum!

I'm very jealous of the wee kids who scoot about confidently on bikes and know all the road rules - they all sit a cycling test at school.

Home tomorrow - I feel as if I've been away a really long time! I've been getting daily news and some photos of Archie and his adventures. I don't think he's missed me at all...

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