
By stuartjross


Another "Mission Impossible" type day gave very little time to look around with camera in hand. For us a, very late meeting time with the engineer at a point still 20 minutes from site, saw the morning run away from us. There was then a further delay where access arrangements and locked gates were discussed. The issue this time being we had to leave the hill top before others or risk being locked in.
These wind turbines are perched on the very northern edge of the Monadhliath Mountains and we have had no involvement in their layout or construction. I confess to working on the early stages of other wind sites. I favour hydro but it is difficult to feel strongly against wind if there is no other work about. You still need to put the dinner on the table.
Anyway this is all I have today. The sky has some interest and the cotton nodding about puts some texture on the rolling moorland

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