Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

What a Pleasant Pheasant...

So, this afternoon I returned home from yet another dental appointment....I must be their best much so, that the dental assistant joked that I should have my own personalised pair of protective glasses.....years of abuse to my body..thanks to my stupidity of my eating disorder mean that my teeth are suffering now......
Today I was getting an impression for a crown, yesterday was 2 fillings, next week is more root treatment....and so on ...
anyway, as I drove round the side of my cottage, there was this pheasant and its baby just standing by the back door.....I tried to capture it on my iPhone, but the freaking thing wouldn't load up quick enough...grrrr...I jumped out of the car and managed to catch this pic of the mum, just before it disappeared into the hedge!!!!....
Its so funny, these birds are everywhere where I live, and they are so unbelievably stupid eloquent...though not at 5am when they're standing squeaking right outside my bedroom window!!!!

Anyway, on seeing these silly birds at my back door, " I got to thinking ".....

What other things do we find in the strangest of places???......
1...Blue cheese inside a white chocolate truffle....see my blip from Tuesday...sounds very strange, but as I said, was a crazy explosion in my mouth, and played havoc with my tastebuds, but worked extremely well as a dessert...
2...A traffic cone in your living room...okay, this may be strange, but to my friend Emma and I, as students, this made perfect sense......we were on our way home from a night of far too many I'm sure...and saw the afore mentioned cone at the side of the road, so we adopted it, and sat it in our living room with a lamp inside gave us years of entertainment
3...A pub in the back of the grocery shop...okay, it may sound strange, but in Ireland in a lot of the villages, this is common practise...the grocery shop would be open, and you access the pub via bit mental, but aren't all we space I say
4...A mushroom in your handbag...okay, Ill explain...I love mushrooms, and often while shopping, I find myself nibbling on a few mushrooms as i wander round the supermarket.....about 2 days after one particular shop, I was out with my very good friend, opened my bag to find a random mushroom I must have forgotten about...I usually do buy more than I eat though, so don't judge
5...Framed picture in the toilet....need I say anymore???....I think it is an ingenious you something to keep you entertained while you're on the throne...
6...A coffin in your living room...ill admit, this is a really bizarre one, but as a practiser of it, its just normal to me......again in Ireland, when a loved one dies, you bring them back to the house to mourn them (waik) them for 3 days before the funeral...a very very close friend of mine found it bonkers and hard to digest when he rang and asked me what I was answer was, "I'm sitting in the living room with me granny" which there was silence, followed by.."but yer grannies dead"!!!!...he never did figure it
7...Butterflies in your stomach...hmmm..who ever came up with that saying???...though I must admit, its a great way of explaining the feeling...
8...Chewing gum in a Piano...this I always find so is Scotts DIY botch job on a string in his beautiful 117 year old Steinway Piano, until the piano repair man comes to sort it out the right ask you!!!!
9...A piece of gold in your mouth...I always find it funny that you pay so much money, in order to have a piece of gold pose as a tooth by way of a crown...I have so many after my frequent trips to the dentist, that if any one ever tied to rob me, they'd literally take tooth and
10...A bike in your may laugh, and yes, I agree this is a bit stupid, but not again when you're at college.....Myself and my friend Cliona had a bit of a crazy night when we were in our final year in college, and thought it would be hilarious to hide our flatmates bike in her bed, as she was on a night out.....needless to say, she didn't find it as funny, as we weren't aware she had just oiled the

" Weird?, I'm not weird. Strange, yes, demented even, but not weird! You see things and you say 'why?'
But you dream things that never were, and say 'why not'?


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