The Picnic

We spotted this on the way out this arvo. Town was a wee bit touristy and I was attracted to the smell of the picnic but The Boss thought my intervention would not be appreciated so decided that his would be OK. I will consider this later.

Oh Oh Oh The Boss was making himself a fried sandwich (his favourite) with Olive Oil spread too, rather than the “B” word tonight, (important health message)
AND he offered The Bossess a slice of cheese which she accepted and he sliced
AND then he found some left so offered her another slice which she accepted
AND then he still had some left over so The Bossess got it for ME.

This is just guilt at work ‘Cos….TT will tell all tomoro.
I really love guilt.  It’s way better than Raindrops on Roses OR Whiskers on Kittens.
To tell the truth I have never met a Kitten. Maybe I will put that on my bucket list.


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