bucks life

By bucksmiss

Beautiful rose

Apart from the all day drizzle, which only stopped about 6ish when the sun came out at last, it's been a good day. The sore throat has gone but I do have a cold. Annoying. Definitely caught from bods at work.

At 9.30, I rang S to say I was feeling fine and she said they'd definitely still come down and risk getting a cold! I managed to change the beds and then to fritter the morning away and so was late going shopping and a bit late coming back as S and J had beaten me to it.

S and I enjoyed a quick catch up over tea while J did some homework upstairs then we went up to the Navvy for an early dinner. As the weather cleared I was pleased I'd booked the booth window table above the canal with a glorious view right along it, looking into the setting sun and the quick changing weather. We had a long and relaxing dinner.

On the way out I saw G and her boyfriend, C. They were celebrating the 7th anniversary of their first date (they're in their late seventies!). It was great to have a quick chat and to show her some recent family pictures.

We enjoyed a short walk along the canal to digest our dinner then went home. I got Mummy's diary out as S said she was interested to see it. She then began to read excerpts from it and then I took over. She said you could tell Mummy was a kind and positive 'people person' with lots of friends, a strong faith, devoted to Daddy and took so much pleasure from us kids. It's so reassuring to me, as my memories of the time before she died are deeply buried. It was really lovely to share this with a good friend.

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