Evening shadows and clouds on the golf course

I was expecting to blip a photo of Susan in her Edwardian costume today, but try as I might I couldn't the right perspective so in the end I had to find another subject. She was dressed thus because this week is the 100th anniversary of the school where she has spent the vast majority of her teaching career and where I'm a governor. She has been associated with the school for a very long time but contrary to popular rumour, not since the school opened!

Anyway, today, being the first day of a week of celebrations, staff and pupils went in period costumes and were taught the Edwardian way - which apparently both staff and children thought to be terribly boring.

There's an open day for past and present associated with the school on Wednesday so that's when I'll be going to see what's happening.

Apart from that, my day was largely spent working after I'd returned from an enjoyable and relaxing swim. Then, in the evening, time for a regular turn around the golf course, which provided a more suitable blip than I originally intended.

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