Cityscape, Victoria Street, London

A good run in the morning then a bit of time to myself before a quick visit up to the Ministry of Justice in Petty France for a meeting. There's been some changes to the Ministry since my last visit. The entrance barriers have been replaced by "beam my up Scottie" type tubes access to which is provided by your visitors' smart card. Another change was more frightening - for on the monitor above reception was the grinning visage of Michael Gove, the Justice Secretary.

The former nemisis of teachers as the much reviled Education Secretary is now in charge of bedevilling the MoJ. Good luck to them, he seems to be following me around like a curse. Hope I don't have to go and work in another Government department - I  might find him moved there.

The walk along Victoria Street was interesting. There's building work everywhere, especially around Victoria Station. All around are soaring glass and steel edifices which provide such a variety of shapes, angles and reflections where people seem dwarfed and insignificant amongst these towers and canyons.

Contrast this with the tranquil scene on our evening walk past Mallards Lake later on.

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