Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Castle in the Sky.

No 3 had to design and build something for school homework.. She and Mr S have been working very hard on this 'Castle in the sky'.  Not sure if she has been watching too much 'Land of Thrones' or listening to too much 'Les Mis'...but here it is (and that isn't a's a 'wee freaky guy' in the corner!).

Part two of the sports day today.

Sad Weegie news...Sam the hamster has passed away.  There were tears, but we managed to hold a little burial ceremony at the back of the garden and hopefully the piles of logs on top will deter any Badgers/Foxes.

No 1 arrived in Zante this evening.  Text Message:

No 1: "That's us landed. see you soon!! Love you x"
Me:    "Have a great time...miss you already xxxx".
No 1: "Thanks. Smuggled the heroin through no bother ;-) :L"
Me  : " you've been drinking already !!"

 - I despair !

P.s. Switching off comments for a wee while, as I don't have time to comment on all your journals, but I do have a look through them when I can snatch a minute. Will switch back on when things calm down. xx

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