on your bike …..

After just 2 weeks at work Kelly has been sacked.  She got the job through a temping agency; after 3 days and good feedback from the bosses, she was invited to apply for a permanent job.  Which she did.

She didn’t get the job but was asked to carry on temping.  Which she did.

Then monday morning, just after she arrived at work, she was told that “she didn’t fit in” and to leave immediately.

Welcome to the new world of work.

So today - as the sun was shining - we took Kelly on a bike ride.  She’s posing with her new bike outside a church in MK designed in the 1670s by Robert Hooke (he of the law of elasticity).

Those who followed the earlier story of Kelly's bike may be interested to know that it now has mudguards and a wicker basket on the front.

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