
By bananablip

chocolate coma

one of our gap year students (the american) has been nagging us the whole year to take a team trip to cadbury world. today, two weeks before she leaves, we finally got around to going.

i was a little worried that it wouldn't live up to my childhood memories, and let's be honest, it was never going to. but it was surprisingly fun.

a one point we were given a little pot of warm chocolate which was delicious but i ate too much of it and felt sick for the rest of the tour. chocolate induced coma on the way home.

oh, and i did do some work this morning. boring report writing, which i had to do at home because the music being made in the office was so beautiful that it was distracting.

(sorry justfun and kwikklick that we didn't pop in, we were rushing back - but we did wave!)

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