Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Three Little Wet Frogs (a cautionary tale).

Ferdinand, Frederick and Finbar were dismayed when they awoke to another day of torrential rain. 

Sitting in a friendly, fraternal fashion atop the garden wall, exposed to the full extent of the inclemency, and the additional discomfort of drips from the large and overgrown Pieris behind them, they could bear it no longer.

"Eeek" shrieked little Ferdie: "I cannot bear to hear one more drop land on the leaves, or on the top of my little green head"!  and he clamped his tiny hands over his ears. 

"Au contraire", sighed Freddy (who always thought he was a little better educated than his brothers, and liked to show off his greater knowledge of world affairs and languages). "I don't mind the sound, it's the wetness that I can't abide - oh I simply shan't speak of it"!  and he tightly pursed his lips closed with his fingers.

Finbar, on the other hand, the most practical and robust of the brothers three, took his usual more pragmatic approach to the precipitation problem.  "Lads!", he declared, "It's only as wet as we allow it to be.  Let's simply not look at it, and while we feel it, and hear it, we shall pretend that we are somewhere much more pleasant, with nicer, drier rain".  Saying which, he covered over his yellow bulbous eyes, and immediately felt much better. 

And so it was that they sat for the rest of the day. Ferdie deaf to the dripping, Freddie silent on the soppiness, and Finbar blind to the sheer stupidity of being a little frog exposed to the elements while refusing to watch out for danger in the form of cats, crows and other assorted no-gooders. 

But that is a story for another time.

(PS - thanks to Evolybab for the inspiration).

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