Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Remains of the day

With the sun fading into the idly reaching young wheat I stood, with my eyes shut for a moment or two, as the remains of the day silently passed by. In the distance Blackbirds serenaded each other, missives on the days toil or just 'Good evenings' from afar. My hands slowly drifting over the tall grass, its delicacy like fairy kisses on my palms. Peace......

I could feel the aches and the tensions of my busy day sliding down my body as if the Earth were some kind of blotting paper, soothing me by osmosis, cell by cell pouring my tiredness into the living ground.
As I opened my eyes the beautiful heavens lit up, burning with our lustful stars passion, oranges and golds, reds and ambers all thrown into the airy sky like a child throwing Autumn leaves.

What is mine of this moment? only what I can take away..... what will stay with me when I'm old....just memories of the end of a good day...a day that drew to a close with the people that I love.....the sun on my face, birdsong in my ears.....and that cool little hand, the one that fits so perfectly in mine, gently squeezing.

Good Night all.

( To all those that commented on yesterdays thanks and humble appreciation for the kind words, to my constant blip buddies and new friends is an honour!)

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