
So as Ben's cheek is still aflame I called his school this morning to see what their stance on 'slapped cheek' was. The manager who I spoke to seemed to be trying to convince me that it was for Ben's benefit that I keep him off today. I think she deals with children too much. I do feel intensely patronised when she speaks to me, like I'm not very bright and can't handle complicated words or thoughts. I would have kept him off I think anyway, I know it's more problematic for pregnancies rather than anything else. Tricksy virus. Apparently it's at its most infectious before you even know you've got it. Once the rash is there it's not so infectious. Normally it's about as dangerous as the common cold, and once you've had it you're immune for life.

Anyway after shaking out my feathers and smoothing them down after that phonecall we got on with the day. Managed to do nothing much, and yet we kept the tv off until lunchtime. Ben did some lego building, Charley did some pooing, I did some cleaning. Then Ben did some painting, Charley did some sleeping, I did some patch sewing. Ben did some washing of his dinosaur in the sink, Charley did some more sleeping, I did some more patching. Ben had a fright involving a tap which turned on too much too quickly, Charley woke up, I did some mopping. Lots of mopping. Ben got changed into dry clothes and put his crocs on to help. Charley was very patient. I did even more mopping. Ben cleaned the floor, Charley had a quick playtime, I did some more sewing on of patch.


And now Ben is playing computer games, Charley is getting some air to his bottom, I'm doing the laundry.

Hoping the laptop comes home from work working. Steve's taken it in to try and clean it up - after Microsoft sent a billion updates to the Office Suite for Mac and stopped Word from breaking every time it opened, the macbook then declared its hard disk was poorly.

I am worried.

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