That's Life!

By Agan

Lost Empires

So, Jools and I are off to conquer the world - on the steamboat to India. Three weeks on the high sea. Entertainment at the captain's table every evening. We'll have to dress in style: a hat for every occasion - Stetson for daytime, Biltmore for the evening; while, for clothes, I've just packed the essentials - six trunks. I think Jools will have to follow on the next boat as this one's not big enough for all the gear she's packed . . .

Ha! Dreaming again. When I travel it's a couple of pairs of jeans, a few shirts and a baseball cap. Jools manages with her suitcase and half of mine. But one day . . .

This collection was spotted in Wastewise, the local recycling depot/junk store. Perhaps we'll buy it and ponder lost empires over a bottle of gin (Bombay, of course), a few tonics and a couple of recycled kedgerees . . .

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