That's Life!

By Agan

The Editor's Decision Is . . .

Okay, big editorial decision. As making edit decisions is what I've been doing every day for the past 40 years, that should be easy. But, it isn't. So, help me . . .

The concept: It's hot, hot, hot, 35 degrees C, according to the dial in our SUV (but it's 12-years-old and is prone to lying) . . . the Euro soccer is starting in an hour - Ireland are playing, must see . . . and I have to do a pic of the day . . .

The problems: No Cameron, he's out with his mother buying new soccer gear, so no curls and sweet smiles to compensate for lack of action . . . Answer: We'll go down to the Cedarvale Park, bound to be something happening there . . .

So, four shots:

1. Couple at a table under the shade of a big old tree, deserted soccer fields in background. Er, great shot, looks like she's performing a sexual service . . . she isn't, but we'll count that out on grounds of questionable taste. Someone might complain . . .

2. Family by river's edge. The water is wonderful. Kids are splashing. Dad is holding baby over the water. Mom is watching, slightly aghast. Nope, for all the wonderment, it's just a snapshot. Now, if he dropped the baby . . . No, don't think of it.

3. Lady sitting on a bench by the water. Spray painted on the opposite side of the bench are the words, Smoke Pot. Weed 4 Everybody!!. Um, reject that. Broad agreement with the sentiment, but the lady is Jools, and she says if I run a picture of her looking like that, I'm dead. So . . .

4. Pink flowers, as macro as my lens will allow, in glorious pink and green. No one in the frame to enrage, no inscriptions to inflame hatred, and the bumble bee, which a second ago, had exposed its bum to the camera, has cleared off.

Thanks for your help - it's Number Four.

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