Watching Out

The Swedish Agility Championships take place in Linköping, which is the city where we live, this weekend. We walked over to the university campus in the morning sunshine to check it all out. I have never, ever in my life seen so many dogs in one place! Everywhere we walked, I had one or more dogs at a nose length's distance. I had to develop a coping strategy stat.

We spent two hours watching the competitions. I was only able to watch with one eye, since the other one had to be used for Constant Vigilance. We also met our dog dancing teacher Malin, which was nice. Mum was super inspired, thinking the dogs were all awesome. We also got a special, handmade sheep fur toy that is to be used as a reward.

I will now give you my mum in a nutshell. We walked home, both exhausted, for sustenance and rest for a couple of hours. Then mum says: Let's take the bike (!) and go back again, and watch some more! So that's what we did. We met altopiano, so that was a Blipmeeet and very nice, and she helped to get some great shots of Us. And we met M and W, who biked with us back and then took me out for my evening walkie. I am so tired I can't even believe I managed to blip before falling asleep.

Credits to altopiano for today's picture.

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