A Day At The Races

Day Two of the Swedish Agilitly Championships today. The sun was shining, the flags were waving in the wind, dogs of every size and breed arrived from near and far to fill the arena...

Anyway. I was secured in the bike basket, sitting on my blanket, for what was in the end a smooth ride. We were to meet with N, who is our friend, and my kennel mum's daughter, to watch today's events. Soon, N as well as M and W had joined us, and we were a party of five. We watched the Large team competition in its entirety together, cheering and clapping. Everyone except me and mum (??!) had delicious Thai takeout. This is my very cool friend W and me making a silhouette.

By now, you know my mum. So, we went home and then back, this time with Hedwig in tow. In a corner, we did our dancing routine a couple of times, in order to benefit from the distractions provided. It went fairly well, I'd say. Mum thought it was very scary. Home again for dinner, and I more or less fell asleep while mum headed out a third time, alone, to watch the Small Individual finals. She says feel free to call her crazy.

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